Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wanderlust Wednesday #1

Wanderlust Wednesday combines my love of books with my love of/desire to travel. I've had a wicked case of wanderlust lately, and I've been reading a lot of travel books, so I thought a new blog feature that combines travel and books would be fun! This is going to be a weekly feature; if anyone would like to join in, let me know and I'll set up a Linky so we can visit each other's posts.

For Week #1 I'm going to spotlight an old/all-time favourite: Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. I've read this book twice - first in 2011 and again last year. I love this book so much. It's cute and funny and romantic and IT'S SET IN PARIS. I really connected to Anna and saw a lot of myself in her. I went to France when I was 17, so it was exciting to recognize a lot of the places in the book.

When reading a 'destination book', I love it when a city has so much life and personality that it's like a character itself.  It's rare that an author actually pulls it off, but Perkins did it with finesse. She made Paris come alive on the pages, and I felt like I was right there with Anna, falling in love with the city...and a super cute boy. ;-) Also, my head is full of random facts, so I loved that Perkins threaded in interesting little tidbits about the city. It made me connect with the setting and the story even more.

I've been itching to go back to Paris, but since it doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon, I'm thinking another reread of Anna is in order. 

{Add Anna and the French Kiss on GoodReads || Buy on Amazon}
~A couple years ago, I wrote a letter to my 17-year-old self before I left for France - you can check it out here~

Have you read Anna and the French Kiss? Do you love it as much as I do? Have you ever been to Paris? Read any books set in Paris that are must reads?

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